How Effective are Video Testimonials and Case Studies?

In previous articles, we’ve discussed the power of social proof as an effective way to expand your reach and build trust with prospects. Today’s marketers have more ways than ever to generate social proof, from online customer reviews and social media influencers to success stories and testimonials.

Written case studies and testimonials remain among the most effective methods of generating social proof and attracting qualified prospects for your business. But recently, more marketers have begun supplementing text-based formats with video testimonials and success stories. Should you consider making the leap to video?

A powerful visual medium for storytelling

Today, 9 out of 10 businesses use video as a marketing tool—representing a 30% increase since 2016. And 90% of marketers are happy with the ROI generated from using video in their campaigns.

It’s easy to see why video is gaining traction in marketing. As a visual medium, video engages more senses than any other format, enhancing message retention and credibility. And with the rise of video-centric social media platforms like Reels, YouTube, and TikTok, more people are consuming short-form video content than ever before. When used effectively, video can be both entertaining and informative, resulting in higher levels of engagement than other forms of content.

This combination makes video a powerful medium for generating sales. In fact, 82% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video, and 70% of viewers have made a purchase after seeing a brand on YouTube.

Because video provides viewers with a rich array of social signals, including voice timbre, inflection and pitch, eye contact, hand gestures, posture and other non-verbal cues, it enables a much stronger connection with your audience than other forms of content like text and still images.

This helps marketers establish trust and credibility more quickly and effectively, important factors in influencing purchase decisions and enhancing consumer confidence in your brand and offerings.

Is it any wonder client testimonials are the number one use case in video marketing, with 39% of video marketers having created video testimonials?

4 tips for marketing with video

  1. Start small: If you’re just getting started in video, there’s no reason to hire a high-priced production company or rent out a TV studio. DIY is just fine, especially in the beginning. Plenty of small businesses and social media influencers have started small, using their mobile device or laptop camera as a makeshift studio. Expectations have changed, and an authentic lo-fi approach is likely to resonate more with your target audience than a highly polished finished product.

  2. Be true to yourself: Speaking of authentic, most small businesses and professional services firms have an organizational personality that is closely aligned with that of their owner(s). In other words, you are the “brand.” That’s why you and your firm’s personality and philosophy should come through loud and clear in all your content, especially video. If you hire a spokesperson, they should be able to project your firm’s mission, goals, and client service approach effectively. Similarly, your video testimonials should feature only those ideal clients that truly get the value your company provides. In video, it’s harder to “fake it” than in other marketing formats, so always strive for authenticity.

  3. Mix and match: People consume content in different ways. Some enjoy watching three-minute videos on their favorite social media channels, while others prefer to read a story on screen or in hard copy. Still others are audio learners and gravitate toward formats like radio, podcasts, and audio books. It’s a good idea to publish your content in a variety of formats, to ensure you’re reaching the maximum potential audience.

  4. Own all your content: We live in a time when anyone can post content on multiple social platforms simultaneously, immediately, and to a worldwide audience. But there are downsides to this embarrassment of riches: your message is likely to be lost in a vast sea of competing content. Worse yet—as we are currently seeing with the potential banning of TikTok in the U.S. (and not to mention the rapid rise and fall of Clubhouse)—once-popular social media platforms can disappear very quickly.

If you don’t publish your content (whether in video, written, photographic, or audio form) on a platform you own, you are at the mercy of the platform owner.

Social media channels can change their terms of use and engagement algorithms at any time, and often do. That’s why we recommend you establish your own website as the marketing hub and home for all your content, including your blog, video testimonials, and written success stories. Your social media marketing campaigns should always drive traffic back to your website, with a goal of capturing email contacts for your ongoing prospect nurturing campaigns.

As part of a comprehensive, multi-pronged marketing program, video can be an effective tool for generating social proof and attracting new clients. It is among the most powerful ways to build brand credibility and client trust, important elements in growing a profitable, successful business for the long haul.


Success Story Studio is proud to introduce our newest service, video testimonials! These professionally crafted 2–3-minute videos — included in the Premium Success Story package—feature highlights from the written case study, in your client's own words! They include curated footage from the Zoom video interview with your client, an opening title sequence and closing credits, accompanying music, and title cards/text overlays. For more information about this exciting new option designed to generate social proof for your business, contact us today!


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