Lead With Gratitude: How to Ask Your Client to Share Their Success Story

In a previous blog post, we discussed which clients to ask to participate in a case study or provide a testimonial.

But how you ask is every bit as important as who you ask.

Many professional services providers find this step the toughest. As service providers, we have close, personal relationships with our clients. And many of us fear that we might come across as self-promoters if we ask a client outright to say nice things about us.

It’s time to flip the script.

I recently co-hosted a Marketing Masterclass webinar with Carolyn Dalle-Molle and Candice Carlton of FiComm Partners. We talked about the importance of establishing a foundation based on appreciation and trust, and approaching your existing clients in the spirit of reflection, gratitude, and authenticity.

Approach with reflection, gratitude, and authenticity.

If you've never asked your clients for a referral or testimonial, this step can be scary. For many of us, it's an uncomfortable—even cringy—task to reach out to our best clients and say, “I know how much you love me! Would you mind if I share that with the world?”

It's not the easiest thing to do. But if you approach the request with genuine transparency, and explain the whys behind the ask, you’ll increase your chances of success.

One of the most powerful things you can say is, “I want more clients just like you.” Here are some other phrases to use to get the conversation started:

  • “I value our relationship.”

  • “I enjoy working with you and your family.”

  • “You have really helped me to learn and grow in my business.”

  • “If I could replicate our relationship ten times over – that would be my ideal practice.”

If you initiate the conversation with that kind of genuine spirit you’re bound to get a positive response.

And what's the worst that can happen? Your client may turn you down. They may say they’re not comfortable providing a testimonial for a specific reason. And that's okay, because not everyone is comfortable sharing their story, or allowing you to share their quotes publicly.

But a good number will be. Remember, these are your clients, and they value the quality of service and unique expertise you provide to the relationship. Most will be more than willing to share how much you've helped them.

Carolyn and Candice share some tactics that could ease the challenge of asking your clients to share their story. Consider these three approaches to making the ask:

  • React to positive, unprompted feedback. Perhaps the easiest way to ask a client is in response to a positive email message or online review. The client has already shown their appreciation and a willingness to have their voice heard. Be ready to respond to these opportunities while your services are still top of mind with your client. It’s a good idea to have a few email response templates you can customize to the specific situation.

  • Solicit feedback from clients who would make a strong case for your skills. This could take the form of an email or phone call where you chronicle the successes you and the client have seen and simply asking for the endorsement.

  • Reflect on previous conversations or email exchanges you’ve had with a client. Remind them of a challenge they faced and how they overcame it (with your expert guidance, of course). Frame the ask as a way they can help others in the same situation.

In the end, it comes down to keeping it authentic, relatable, and real. Remember that we’re all human, and we thrive on meaningful connections, Treat your clients with gratitude, and they will repay you in spades.


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